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Virtualization Solution
What is virtualization?
Virtualization is a proven software technology that is transforming the IT landscape and fundamentally changing the way that we compute. Computer hardware was originally designed to run only a single operating system and a single application. But virtualization makes it possible to run multiple operating systems and multiple applications on the same computer at the same time, increasing the utilization and flexibility of hardware.
What can you virtualized? Any part of your IT infrastructure. For example your desk top computers, laptops, notebooks, servers, applications, storage system and your network can be virtualized.
Here is an example.
  • Server virtualization allows you to reduce the amount of servers you need.
  • Previously, you needed a server for every application you used. One application might only require 10% of the server's capacity, while another application's server might be over capacity.
  • If you virtualize a server, you can split it into as many servers as you need, running all of your applications. Now you can fully utilize all of your server capacity.
When you virtualize, there are specific benefits:
  • Reduce the amount IT hardware you need to purchase, lowering your IT costs because virtualization to maximize the use of your IT Infrastructure.
  • Reduce the cost of energy usage, giving your organization an environmentally friendly image.
  • Improve performance and maximize cost saving and profit.
Edgemicro consultants have the experience and expertise to help you virtualize all of your IT systems. We can tailor a package that helps you lower your cost, maximize your profits and keep your IT systems flexible for your business future.